
This page will be updated to include relevant materials as reports and other documents generated during the Master Plan preparation process are issued.

Master Plan – First Draft

This is the first draft of the new Royal Oak Master Plan. This draft is currently under review by the Royal Oak Planning Commission.

Draft 2 Master Plan Direction

Document presented to the Planning Commission on September 12, 2023 indicating the consultant team’s recommended direction for the master plan elements.

The Master Plan Direction document is NOT a draft of the master plan, rather it PROPOSES the following to be included in a future first draft:

Public feedback should be provided via the website comment form and the future online survey. Please register with Royal Oak NotifyMe to be notified when the survey is live.

Market Analyses

These documents are the result of a collaborative planning effort among public and private stakeholders led by the city’s Planning Commission and with considerable support and dedication by staff within the city’s Department of Planning and Economic Development. They are being used as an economic foundation in the development of the new citywide Master Plan.

Four analyses have been prepared during the planning process. The Residential Analysis is complemented by a separate Real Estate Analysis and Economic Analysis. In addition, the Retail Market Analysis is a separate but correlated study that focuses on the potential for new shopping choices.

Summary of Charrette Input

This document is a summary of the input we received at the May 2023 Charrette. This includes visioning feedback, mapping exercises, survey results, and specific questions about the Master Plan’s areas of focus. A full compilation of feedback will be provided to the City.

Charrette Videos

Videos from charrette meeting, the week of May 15, 2023. Charrette output will be summarized and posted here following the charrette. The Charrette Day 2 meeting videos are somewhat incomplete – the first meeting audio was lost for the first 15 minutes and the second meeting recording ended early because the meeting well exceeded the time slot.

Public Input Summaries

The documents below represent information that is in the process of being collected or created, as well as any summaries shared related to that information.

Demographic Context Analysis

The analyses below are an initial exploration of the demographics of the Royal Oak and it’s regional context.

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