Which Royal Oak district do you live in?
Answered: 51
What is your age?
Answered: 50
How long have you lived in Royal Oak?
Answered: 50
How much housing should Royal Oak add grow in the next 20 years?
Answered: 50
Where should most new housing be built?
Answered: 48
What kind of housing is most needed?
Answered: 50
Are you concerned with home prices or rents?
Answered: 50
Would you walk or bike more if it were more convenient?
Answered: 51
Where should biking be encouraged?
Answered: 48
Would you take public transportation if it were convenient?
Answered: 51
How important is it to easily walk to coffee shop or small store close to your home?
Answered: 51
How important is it to easily walk to a park close to your home?
Answered: 51
How concerned are you with sustainability and climate action?
Answered: 51